HelloGiggles-Top Ten Signs You're An Adult
P.S. It's New Year's Eve tonight! I will be staying in with my parents tonight to ring in the new year and I can't wait. Especially since I was just visiting some friends in NYC yesterday and we mistakenly ended up walking through the crazy crowds in Times Square. People were already in the corrals to watch the ball drop, at 6pm last night. I know some people thrive on stuff like that, but getting pushed around the sidewalk by tourists with huge backpacks is not appealing at all to me.
This is actually the first New Year's Eve that I haven't had to be someplace wearing something sparkly. I think I'll start out tonight with some wine, a bath, and a face mask. We hope 2012 is the best year yet for all of our readers! Just want to say again how much we appreciate everyone we've connected with since starting TRPG.
Top 5 TV Show Characters I Can Relate To
- Jessica from True Blood. This is only because she is my celebrity doppelganger. So much so that my ex was drunkenly convinced that I was a vampire.
- Robin from How I Met Your Mother. One of my exes was a Barney and we happened to have been seeing each other the same season Robin and Barney were together. I also would love to be a news anchor and don't want kids.
- A mixture of Bree and Lynette from Desperate Housewives. I'm secretly a soccer mom, even though I'd rather be the powerful career woman like Lynette, but I'm also a wine-o control freak like Bree.
- Carrie from Sex and the City. I have had my own Mr. Big and being a sex columnist is my dream job. Although I am not even close to making her style mistakes.
- Deb from Dexter. Curses too much, works too much, often runs from commitment. We are like soul mates.
Old Friends
From 2008 ish. Just a few awesome friends hanging out at a laser roller rink |
As a group of friends we've progressed from slightly dorky high schoolers to (still dorky) young adults that are busy working, financing new cars, and renting apartments that cost more per month than what we would make in an entire summer at our high school part time jobs. We get tired at 11pm now and only drink beer that actually tastes good.... we're growing up.
A few of my favorite high school girls. And bonus points because we were actually still in high school when this pic was taken. |
Best of 2011
My Trip to Turkey. One of the best decisions I have ever made and I will never forget it.
- Two raises and a promotion at work. My social life may have gone downhill this past year, but at least my work life is headed in the right direction.
- The 2011 National Book Festival. I got to see some of the best authors speak and share.
- The writing group I am a part of now. I have gotten a lot of much needed feedback and motivation.
- Winery hopping while the weather was nice. Definitely some of the best day trips that exist. (Below is Naked Mountain Winery, yes, it is called, Naked Mountain.)
- All the new friends I've made over the past 12 months. I'm pretty much against people, so you should all feel very privileged.
- The Hunger Games. Don't even pretend like you didn't read and love them. I can't wait for the movie but have low expectations of it being even close to as good as the books.
Ho Ho Ho
Office Relationships
Office relationships are really not an issue in my office since the majority of the staff is married, in a relationship outside of the office, or separated by about a 20 year age gap, but I have been wondering what is considered office appropriate in larger companies.
So here's where I turn to you, post grads! Are you allowed to date co-workers at your job? Is it the norm in your office, or frowned upon? Have you ever been in an office relationship? Fill me in!
Winter Beach
The coast of Lake Ontario |
This lake is HUGE. Can you see Canada on the other side? |
Gotta love that winter sky |
The Theory of Twice Removed
My First Christmas Tree
Something I think many post grads struggle with is disconnecting from our jobs after work. Whether our bosses can reach us by email or smart phone at any time of the night, or we just torture ourselves by obsessing over work after the day is done, it can get to the point where it's just not healthy.
Last Christmas I whined and complained on this blog about how I only had 2 and a half days home for the entire holiday. At that point, I didn't have paid vacation time, and felt like I was being guilted into only taking one extra day off for the holiday. I hated my friends that got the week in between Christmas and New Years off, resented my company for the limited vacation days, and was generally just in a negative mood for the whole Christmas season.
This year I'm doing things a little differently. I'm taking four vacation days and making the five hour trip home for the entire week between Christmas and New Years. This break is going to give me the chance to see a few more of my downstate NY friends and spend some holiday time with my family that I just didn't get last year. I'm in a much better frame of mind this Christmas season because I have this break to look forward to. I'm allowing myself some time to disconnect.
I think the best way to figure out how you can disconnect is to simply think about what makes you happy (outside of the workplace) and then go for it. For me, the absolute best disconnect is visiting home and seeing family. I saved up my vacation time for months, and I'm going for it. For others it might be taking a trip to another country, or even having a staycation where you allow yourself to do absolutely nothing.
While taking time away from the office is the ultimate disconnect, it's also important that a disconnect from work can happen on weeknights and two-day weekends too. Here are a few ways to do so:
1. Distract with fun: I'm lucky that my current co-workers and supervisors do not expect me to take work home. However, I'm a stresser by nature and often find myself worrying about various work projects when I'm off the clock. To distract myself, I de-stress after work by running at the gym, reading, teaching myself Dixie Chicks songs on the guitar (yup... maybe I'll post a blog of that sometime..or not), and cooking. All of these activities give my mind something pleasant to focus on that relates in no way to my job.
2. Create space: If your boss has taken to frequently emailing you at your personal email and calling you after working hours, try waiting to contact him/her back until working hours the next day if it's not an emergency. This is a gentle reminder to the company that your home life does not require you to be constantly plugged in, and you might not be available after hours for work related business.
3. Ask for space: If you work in a job that is less regimented with workday hours, consider asking that you be contacted only in the case of emergencies after 7pm every night (or whatever time is comfortable for you). Sometimes being upfront with your employers about your need to unwind can be beneficial, especially if you point out that time for rest means you will be more productive during the day.
Work is an important part of life and being a dedicated employee is great, but allowing work to mentally weigh you down outside of the office is just not healthy. Venting about work to your girlfriends over margaritas is one thing, losing sleep because you are obsessing over the next workday is another.
Do you ever have problems disconnecting from the office? How do you tune out the workday and relax?
Some Favorite Posts
- Lauren's Thoughts has a great one about technology ruining our lives.
- Analyfe has a book review of something I now want to read.
- Forever 20 Somethings has a great piece about Transformers, and I don't mean the movie.
- Girls in Their 20s goes through Office Style on a budget
- Thought Catalogue tries to explain why Girls like Jerks. I took this one to heart, I know it is true.
Warby Parker
Warby Parker is an online shop that offers a wide range fashionable and vintage inspired frames for men and women. The best part? Your Warby Parker prescription glasses of choice will only set you back 98 dollars.
As other glasses wearers can attest, glasses are not cheap. Before checking out Warby Parker, I went to a few different stores, including Empire Vision and Lens Crafters, and found that they charge upwards of 300 dollars for very standard frames and lenses. I'm very picky when it comes to shopping for anything, so I always have a tough time finding glasses in stores that are perfect for me, and I really don't enjoy the salespeople that breathe down your neck while you're looking.
Buying glasses online seemed impossible to me at first (how do you try them on???), but it's actually very easy with Warby Parker. Here's how it works:
Step 1: You need your prescription. I see an opthamologist since eye problems run in my family and I had cataract surgery in high school (that thing old people get...), so I got my prescription from my doctor. If you don't see an opthamologist, you can get your eyes tested at an optometrists office for around 60-90 dollars (sometimes there are even sales on eye exams).
Step 2: Visit warbyparker.com and pick out five frames that you like. Warby Parker mails you these frames (including return packaging) for free so you can try them on in the comfort of your own home. And make your family members and boyfriend vote on their favorite like I did.
Step 3: Place your order. You can even scan in your prescription if you're afraid of filling it in wrong on their site, or simply give them your eye doctor's number and they will call to find out your prescription for you!
Step 4: Wear your awesome glasses and feel proud of yourself for getting such a great deal. Warby Parker does not accept insurance, but does offer you a receipt that you can mail to your insurance company if you do get some coverage.
Warby Parker has gotten a bit of a reputation as a hipster brand in the blogosphere which is why I initially tried going the more traditional route when I needed new glasses, but I can assure you that even though some of their styles border on hipster territory, many do not!
![]() |
My new Warby Parker glasses! |
(I also just realized this post sounds like an advertisement for Warby Parker, but I wanted to clarify that we were compensated in no way for this review! I just really love a good deal. )
How to Use Leftover Stuffing

- Grease 6 holes in a muffin pan and pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees
- Spoon about a tablespoon of stuffing into each greased hole
- Put a couple spinach leaves on top (1-2 per mini-quiche is fine)
- Layer on a quarter of a slice of cheese per mini-quiche
- Scramble the eggs in a bowl and pour about a half an egg into each hole
Icelandic Adventure

- Whale Watching
- The Blue Lagoon
- Puffin Island
- Eating puffin (apparently it's like chicken there)
- Going to the Elf Museum
- Northern Lights
I can't say that I have never looked at a Facebook profile or heard some gossip about a high school acquaintance and thought about how my life is so much more put together then theirs. I'm sure people out there have done the same to me. Since I feel completely rotten when I do judge others, I've been trying to instead think with an open mind about people who are living lifestyles that are different from my own.
For example, a few of my good friends have moved back the Hudson Valley (where I grew up) after going away to school. When I graduated college, moving home was the last thing I wanted to do and I couldn't imagine why anyone my age would choose to live there. But I've come to realize that there are family reasons, boyfriend reasons, school reasons, job reasons.. there are countless reasons why these people have chosen to move back to their hometown, and the ones I know seem very happy.
Another type of judgement I've noticed in the post grad world stems from job choice. I am much less judgemental about jobs for some reason... probably because my job is not glamorous and mostly serves to pay the bills. I can't tell you how many times I've overheard grad students throwing digs at post grads who aren't following their passions or are stuck working retail jobs. I've seen those that were lucky enough to land their high profile dream job look down on those who haven't yet, instead of embracing how luck and timing have worked in their favor.
I think we could get a lot more out of our lives by trying to minimize our judgements as post grads. Like Shikole posted a few days ago, this is the time of our lives to set our own goals. While we are the only ones who can determine our own happiness, I think we can also work on appreciating each other's goals while we're at it.
Why it's Hard to Adjust to Post Grad Life
- We have no built-in goal. Through High School and College alike we had a built in goal: graduation. There was an end point, there was a plan, there was light at the end of the tunnel. We were working towards something. Once we graduate most of us have 1 goal: get a job. Ok, well what about after we have a job?
- No Built-in vacations. Since we entered the schooling system we have had built in vacations. Summer was longest, followed by 2 weeks for Winter Break, one week for spring break, and some 3-4 day weekends sprinkled through the rest of the year. We could relax, read for pleasure, travel, whatever we chose. Now most of us have 10 vacation days a year and have to fight for holidays and weekends off.
- The repetition. Every day includes the same tasks, people, problems, solutions, places, etc. No longer do we have 2 or 3 different topics to focus on in a given day. We can't change what we focus on every semester. We have a job, and a boss, and some co-workers, who may change slightly, but the focus is still the same every day.
- Our support system has scattered. In college most of our friends lived in the same city, if not the same house. You could easily grab coffee after a class, have a mini-freak out, and feel better about life. Now our friends have scattered to different cities, sometimes even different countries. And mini-freak outs are turning into major ones.
Thanksgiving is my Favorite

Happy Thanksgiving!
-my family
-my friends (old and new!)
-my boyfriend
-that I live close enough where I can travel home for the holidays (5 hrs doesn't seem so bad when I realize that many are plane rides away from family)
-my job for allowing me to live comfortably and with health benefits
There are so many little things I'm thankful for, but these are the basics. It's officially the holiday season! Anyone have plans to hit up the stores tomorrow for sales? I definitely do not haha..
This Will Make Monday Better
Stupid Questions
Birchbox Review
10 Questions: Shikole
Cocktail Hour
My boyfriend loves a drink called the Tom Collins. I had never heard of this cocktail before meeting him, and never actually tried more than a sip of one until this weekend. We made them using a really easy recipe at my apartment and I loved them! Mostly because I couldn't taste the gin at all. It just tasted light, citrusy, and bubbly.
Here's how you make one (from drinkmixer.com):
Let me know what you guys think! Any fun cocktails suggestions?
Back to Earth
- Mississippi voted down the personhood amendment, so there is still hope for mankind.
- I have a new iPhone 4s, so tweets at least will keep on coming.
- Lie to Me is an amazing show. I am recently obsessed but have no time to watch.
- The holidays are right around the corner, help me find good recipes?
- Pinterst is my new favorite thing, find me, follow me.
How You Found Us?
"Norman Rockwell date night"
"depressive photography"
"anxious hands"
Hmmm..... hope you all found what you were looking for..?
I Love Mindy Kaling

Most people know Mindy Kaling as the character Kelly Kapoor on The Office, but many don't realize that she's actually a writer and producer for the show as well. I'm pretty positive that every person who reads this book will automatically want Mindy to be their best friend
This book would probably be most appealing to an audience of women in their 20's and 30's, but I think men that are willing to open their minds could actually learn a ton by reading Mindy's advice- so I would reccomend this book to anyone!
Rating: 5/5 stars
Cover Letter Check List
Let's start from the top of the email!
1. Address your cover letter to someone. If the contact person on the job listing is Mr. Bossman, start the letters of with a "Dear Mr. Bossman," even if you're just writing an email. If there's no name on the job posting, a simple "To Whom It May Concern" will do.
2. Use the company's name in the first paragraph. This goes along with tip number one and makes your letter much more personal. The last thing a company wants to see is a generic letter that you copy and pasted to fifty different employers.
3. In the first or second paragraph, state a reason why you would be a great fit for the job based on something you've been able to research about the company. I completely understand that a job is a job in this economy. We aren't always picky when the words "full time with benefits" are tossed around. This doesn't mean that you can't look up the company's website and do a little googling to find out more about the company you'd like to work for.
Bad Example: I have a wide range of skills that would make me the perfect candidate for Company X.
Good Example: In researching your company, I noticed that Company X offers social media services. My freelance social media consulting work has actually required to me to do the same tasks listed on your website.
4. Avoid overusing cliche phrase like "determined and innovative individual", or saying that you have a "passion for _____" . Believe me, I've been guilty of both of these! If you are a dedicated and passionate worker, instead try to briefly describe how you exemplify these traits.
Bad Example: I have a passion for writing, so I would be honored to work Town X Newspaper.
Good Example: In addition to my full time job as a content editor, I write freelance articles, and run my own blog.
In my opinion, a passion should speak for itself.
5. Keep length in mind! Growing up, when my mom would edit my essays she would tell me to "add more meat" but stay away from "fluff". While meat is meaningful content, fluff falls more into the "I have a passion for..." category. By keeping your cover letter brief but pointed, you will catch an interviewers attention, and keep it.
6. Sign your cover letter with a "Sincerely", followed your full name, your contact info, and a link to your LinkedIn profile.
7. Always attach a resume!!!!!!!!
What do you think post grads? Would you cringe if I was the one reviewing your cover letter, or do you agree with my check list? I'd love to hear your input and some more cover letter tips!
Post Grads Hate: Broken Cars
10 Questions- Allison
Apple Bread
Halloween Light Show Video
Sex Dreams
Apartment Detox
I'm pretty positive that I could easily find about fifty more things in my place to trash and will definitely repeat this "apartment detox" in the next few months. Having less clutter around helps me to feel at peace, which is exactly what I need after a long day of work. Here's photo evidence of my results:
In the mix: shrunken clothing, old credit card bills, assorted beauty products, old magazines, college papers, uncomfortable shoes, art project disasters.. the list goes on and on.
In addition to my cleaning binge this weekend, my boyfriend and I went pumpkin picking and carved them up Saturday afternoon! I carved mine into a nighttime scene, as depicted below. Did anyone else know that white heirloom pumpkins have light green insides? You learn something new everyday..
Throw Away 50 Things
There's also plenty of un-sentimental clutter, like the almost empty Bath & Body Works lotions I save just in case I need to smell like Cherry Blossom or Sensual Amber someday. Or the old bank statements that accumulated on my desk before I finally went paperless.
So, this weekend I plan to use an idea I read about on the website Makeunder My Life and throw away 50 things in my apartment. The fifty items can include clothing, outdated paperwork, or even smaller things smaller things like makeup or dried up highlighters (yup, pretty sure I've got some of those laying around too). I'm planning to donate anything that's in good shape, but the rest of my junk will be finding a new home in the dumpster.
Stay tuned for photos.. this should be interesting. Anyone else want to take part in the challenge with me? Link up your blog below!
Flashback Friday
Home Sweet Apartment A guide to furnishing your first place and a few photos of mine!
Flood Waters Rising When disaster strikes..
ISPs for Dummies We're all connected to the Internet in our apartments.. learn more about your provider!
Making the Best of It My decision to move to Rochester, NY and what I learned,
What Moving Has Taught Me About Independence One of the hardest parts of apartment living? Moving!
Have a great weekend post grads! Tomorrow I am planning to do almost every fall activity possible. This will include pumpkin picking, carving, a fall foliage ski lift ride, and finishing the day off with a haunted house! What are your plans?
The Game of Life
- Instead of "have a baby girl" the space will read. "pregnancy test positive" and then there will be 2 options "have the baby" or "abort!" Aborting will get you a life LIFE token.
- Rockstar will not be a career option. It will be replaced with Unemployed.
- There will be no stop sign forcing you to marry or buy a house or get a job, there will be no stop signs at all.
- Loans for college will now be $80,000 instead of $40,000. Maybe college cost that little back in the 60s when this game was created, but not anymore.
- Paydays are not automatic, they only happen when you spin a 10. Then you will realize how lucky you are to be getting paid.
- You walk your little person around the board until you can afford a car.
What's Your Walk Score?

One of the major priorities I keep in mind when apartment hunting is walkability. I love where I live in Rochester because I have restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores all within a few blocks of my apartment. I know wherever I live next, I will have to be positive that I can walk to at least some nearby attractions.
It was pretty easy for me to determine where I wanted to live in Rochester since I went to college nearby and could scope out neighborhoods before my move, but this wouldn't have worked if I was moving across the country for a new job. Thankfully, Walkscore.com exists as a useful tool for post grads that might be moving to a brand new area and are looking to live in a walkable neighborhood.
The Walk Score website is extremely easy to navigate and provides a "walk score" for any address or city in the U.S on a scale from 0-100. For example, the walk score for my current apartment is an 82/100.. pretty good in my opinion! The walk score for the town where Shikole and I grew up? 6/100. This is why we moved to cities, people.
Another valuable tool on the website is their new apartment search/ commute calculator. No one likes to be stuck in an hour of traffic after working 8 hours. This tool helps you to locate apartments near your job and takes into consideration your preferred mode of transportation for commuting (by foot, public transportation, or car).
Hope you find some of these tools helpful! Let me know if any of you have experiences with Walk Score!
Maple Spice Cookies
The Tech World
The only problem? Every Rochester meetup group seemed to cater towards 40 and 50 year old singles who loved to cook together and go bowling. Needless to say, these groups didn't exact fit what I was looking for. After thoroughly searching all the groups in the Rochester area, I finally just decided to create my own group for Rochester 20 somethings. Putting myself out there as an organizer made me responsible for planning fun events for a group of people I had never met. I was very nervous before attending my first meetup, but thrilled when I saw the number of members triple over the first few weeks of creating the group.
It turns out, I had nothing at all to be worried about. In my past year in Rochester I've met tons of nice new people through the group, and I plan to join meetup groups in every city I move to from here on out. Meetup.com has improved their site since I began the group and now any group member can create an event on the site. This takes a ton of pressure off of the meetup organizer and has helped to make our now 100+ member group much more collaborative. As a group we've held picnics, bar hops, hiking excursions, brewery tours, concerts, visited art galleries, and so much more.
I've since stepped down from my "organizer" meetup position, but I still attend events regularly and have met some some great friends through the site. I would definitely recommend this site to anyone moving to a new city. If there's not a group out there that fits your age group or interests, don't hesitate to make your own!
Have any of you attending a meetup event in your area? What were your thoughts?
Charity Walks
Bring It Around Town
Wedding Bells Are Ringing
Post Grad Dating Rituals
Online Dating
When Dating Becomes A Chore
Also, check out Lauren's Thoughts for a few cute fall inspired date ideas!
Guest Post: Why Blogging Isn't a Waste of Time
"Have you applied for any jobs recently?" I glance up guiltily from my blog stats every time I'm asked this question. Truth is, five months after graduation and ten months after beginning my job search, I've lost hope in the conventional job search. Companies receive hundreds of applications for each position, and unless you're the cream of the crop, you aren't even considered.
The past month or so, I've taken networking to an extreme. Rather than being ashamed of my unemployment, I've become eager to learn about every possible opportunity. I've stepped out of my comfort zone and forced myself to talk to people about my skills, my interests, and even my blog.
I've been blogging for about ten months and it's not been something I talk about; however, lately I've reconsidered whether blogging is really a bad thing. Maybe through writing and maintaining a blog, I'm building marketable skills.
- I blog daily as part of WordPress Post-a-Day 2011, which shows my dedication, persistence, and commitment.
- Ten months ago, WordPress terrified me and I didn't understand anything. I've since mastered nearly every aspect of the site and its tools and resources. I’m a quick learner.
- Blogging makes me a better writer; it helps me develop my voice, hone in my skills, and simply gain more experience.
- Having a public blog exposes me to the world and makes me vulnerable, yet this vulnerability allows for constructive criticism and compliments from strangers. My fear of criticism has disintegrated and my adaptability has skyrocketed.
- Blogging is essentially an extensive social network. The blogosphere is where I can go and know that I'm not alone, that others like me are struggling to find work and to find their way. Blogging gives me hope and encouragement.
- I promote my blog through Twitter, a Facebook page, 20 Something Bloggers, and Google Plus. I've unknowingly become a social media marketing maven. I know how efficiently to share what I have to offer, as well as discover and promote others' content. I understand how the internet mediates mutually beneficial relationships among web users and know how to take advantage of it.
Another company got in touch with me, offering an interview. "I have several resumes in front of me, many from applicants far more qualified than you, but your cover letter was phenomenal. I'd like for you to come in so we can talk a bit." My good writing skills led to an interview I probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I still can’t stop grinning.
I've received criticism for spending so much time blogging when I "should" be out looking for a job. I've often felt guilty about this; however, in the past few weeks I've realized that blogging is actually helping me in my job search. Blogging is improving my writing skills and enhancing my ability to commit to a project and see it through. Blogging is teaching me to self-promote, network, and empathize with others (by following their personal blogs). Blogging has boosted my confidence and kept me sane. Without realizing it, blogging has prepared me to face the adverse economy.
Blogging isn't a waste of time. Don't let anyone tell you it is.
City Mouse
It's Wednesday night. I had just come home from an awesome night celebrating my friend's birthday and tasting Oktoberfest beers. I walked into my kitchen leisurely for a glass of water, flick on the light and see something tiny and brown scurry under my microwave. I let out a scream that probably woke up neighbors on both sides of my apartment.
I have never seen a live "wild" mouse in person, only in pet stores and in cages. We found a dead mouse in the apartment I lived in last year, but it was almost a given in that space. The apartment was run down, and old, with lots of nooks and crannies for mice to hide. But not my new apartment!! I clean diligently here, it appears like my apartment is sealed off, and my building is well maintained.
With my adrenaline pumping, I cornered the mouse, tipped up its little microwave hiding spot, and screamed again as the tiny mouse came hurdling right towards me after an HOUR of luring it out. I used my broom to scare it back away, and it jumped off of my counter and under the refrigerator. I spent the next hour googling "things mice hate". Eventually I fell asleep at 2 am, petrified that I would wake up with a mouse in my bed.
Mouse: 1 Allie : 0
This weekend, my boyfriend baited traps with peanut butter and we hoped to lure my new furry roommate out from under the fridge. All weekend long we noticed that the traps were moved slightly, and peanut butter had been eaten.. but no mice were being caught!
Mouse: 2 Allie:0
So, I'm taking more preventative measures. Did you know that mice hate the smell of dryer sheets, cayenne pepper, and mint? Right now my kitchen smells like an overly seasoned laundry room.
Anyone have any ideas for trapping this guy that I haven't thought of? I'm thinking about borrowing a friend's cat..
NanoWrimo Season
Guest Post at Analyfe
Single Girl Problems
- No one else is around to kill bugs/mice but me. And I will if I have to, but it is certainly nice to have a man around to be all tough and manly and just take care of it.
- I have no t-shirts to steal... I mean wear. For some reason mens' t-shirts are just SO much more comfy.
- I get self conscious about sex. Not the act itself, trust me that's fine, but the potential numbers I'm accumulating while single. There's a movie that just came out with Anna Farris called "What's your Number?" where she finds her exes in order to avoid raising her number. Yup, done that.
- For some reason men like to be the one driving, which is fine by me. Especially in this city, driving is stressful. But alas, while single I have to drive myself around.
Home Sweet Apartment
Here are a few photos of my finished apartment and some suggestions for furnishing your first solo place!
Tip #1: USE CRAIGSLIST. My coffee table, tv stand, desk, swivel chair, bookcase, and kitchen table are all from Craigslist. I get a little weirded out buying couches or chairs from Craigslist (I worry about bed bugs or other infestation issues), but I know plenty of people that have been successful getting couches off of the website. If you are comfortable with used things, you could literally furnish your whole apartment with affordable second hand items.
Tip #2: Dual purpose pieces. After a ton of research, I ended up purchasing my futon from Walmart for about 150 dollars. I chose this one because I knew I wanted to have friends and family come visit me and have a comfortable place to sleep. It's pretty comfortable as a couch and also opens up into an awesome sleeping area.
Tip #3: Choose your splurges carefully. I love interior design and design blogs, so it's easy to be swept away by adorable pieces I see. My splurge item will always be bedding, and eventually when I move into a larger apartment, and comfy sectional couch. My splurge for this apartment was my flower chair. It was a little over a hundred dollars from Target, but I thankfully had a 50 dollar gift card to put towards it, making it much more reasonable.
Tip #4: Keep an eye on the curb. The end table next to my futon was found outside of my office next to a dumpster and I have seen a ton of awesome pieces while running through my neighborhood that I would love to take if I had the space. Craigslist may be cheap, but curbside shopping is free!
Tip#5 Pay attention to apartment bulletin boards. I haven't gotten any of my pieces this way, but people use the bulletin board in my apartment building all the time when they are moving and looking to get rid of things. I've seen free chairs, tables, and couches listed.