Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love that it is centered around food and being grateful for things in your life. I love that it is one of the few holidays not centered around religion. I love that I get to see my sisters during this holiday.
My 2 sisters who are no longer in high school arrived Wednesday night. The youngest got stuck with Mom, but she will get her turn eventually. I was excited this year because I had decided to make my own pie crusts for the apple pie. I also had
a new idea for my turkey: Garlic Rosemary.

Things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving 2011:
1. My friends and family
2. Having a job, even if it eats my soul
3. All of you for reading our blog so loyally
4. My health. I know it sounds cliche but my immune system rocks and I am very thankful for that.
Instead of shopping for Black Friday, my sisters and I went to the National Portrait Gallery and then to Chipotle for lunch. Definitely one of the better decisions I've made lately.
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