Guest Post: Why Blogging Isn't a Waste of Time

A few weeks ago we discovered Erin over at Analyfe. She has a fantastic blog that covers musings of a Post Grad trying to navigate life. Obviously we were drawn to her. Below is a guest post she has agreed to grace us with. Please read about her other topics, books, and thoughts, over at Analyfe when finished.

"Have you applied for any jobs recently?" I glance up guiltily from my blog stats every time I'm asked this question. Truth is, five months after graduation and ten months after beginning my job search, I've lost hope in the conventional job search. Companies receive hundreds of applications for each position, and unless you're the cream of the crop, you aren't even considered.

The past month or so, I've taken networking to an extreme. Rather than being ashamed of my unemployment, I've become eager to learn about every possible opportunity. I've stepped out of my comfort zone and forced myself to talk to people about my skills, my interests, and even my blog.

I've been blogging for about ten months and it's not been something I talk about; however, lately I've reconsidered whether blogging is really a bad thing. Maybe through writing and maintaining a blog, I'm building marketable skills.

  • I blog daily as part of WordPress Post-a-Day 2011, which shows my dedication, persistence, and commitment.
  • Ten months ago, WordPress terrified me and I didn't understand anything. I've since mastered nearly every aspect of the site and its tools and resources. I’m a quick learner.
  • Blogging makes me a better writer; it helps me develop my voice, hone in my skills, and simply gain more experience.
  • Having a public blog exposes me to the world and makes me vulnerable, yet this vulnerability allows for constructive criticism and compliments from strangers. My fear of criticism has disintegrated and my adaptability has skyrocketed.
  • Blogging is essentially an extensive social network. The blogosphere is where I can go and know that I'm not alone, that others like me are struggling to find work and to find their way. Blogging gives me hope and encouragement.
  • I promote my blog through Twitter, a Facebook page, 20 Something Bloggers, and Google Plus. I've unknowingly become a social media marketing maven. I know how efficiently to share what I have to offer, as well as discover and promote others' content. I understand how the internet mediates mutually beneficial relationships among web users and know how to take advantage of it.

Going back to networking, I was recently put into contact with the owner of a small local paper. I offered my personal blog as a sample of my writing and she was thoroughly impressed with my work. I'm still in the training stage, but I hope to take on the job of freelance copywriter for the paper, and eventually write feature stories.

Another company got in touch with me, offering an interview. "I have several resumes in front of me, many from applicants far more qualified than you, but your cover letter was phenomenal. I'd like for you to come in so we can talk a bit." My good writing skills led to an interview I probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I still can’t stop grinning.

I've received criticism for spending so much time blogging when I "should" be out looking for a job. I've often felt guilty about this; however, in the past few weeks I've realized that blogging is actually helping me in my job search. Blogging is improving my writing skills and enhancing my ability to commit to a project and see it through. Blogging is teaching me to self-promote, network, and empathize with others (by following their personal blogs). Blogging has boosted my confidence and kept me sane. Without realizing it, blogging has prepared me to face the adverse economy.

Blogging isn't a waste of time. Don't let anyone tell you it is.


  1. Great post! Blogging is definitely a great tool to use in a job search these days if you do it professionally. Best of luck in your search!


  2. great post! And a great response to those who think blogging is a waste of time. Look at all the positives and forward movement it has brought to your life. Blog on!

  3. I loved reading this post. For those of us who spend countless hours blogging and responding to blogs, this post is a good reminder why we must continue to blog, even if the benefits are not immediately forthcoming.

    Let's get our voices out there, especially for those of us considered the "quiet ones".

  4. I have learned so much from blogging, and it's definitely given me a skillset that I use at my job now. I think one of the best things is that it's your own little space to play around with and learn little by little depending on what you want to change about it, and you get feedback along the way from your readers. I've always found a lot more motivation for wanting to improve something about my blog than for assignments given to me by someone else.

  5. Definitely a great way to showcase your skills, love your posts

  6. Well said, Erin! A great summary of the benefits of blogging. I also find that blogging has helped me discover other specialists who offer great tips. When googling information, I often find myself adding blog at the end of my search term. It's opened up a whole new world of resources.


  7. @Lauren: You're absolutely right, a blog can serve as a nice portfolio, or simply help you build skills on a personal level. Thank you, and the best of luck to you, as well! (I really enjoy your blog!)

    @CrowningCrone: Thank you! I think digging out the positives is always good, especially if it's in response to criticism over something you enjoy and benefit from.

    @RomanticAsianGuy: So true! It took months for me to figure out what I was doing, build a small following, and becoming more open. I think, even if others don't see it, if you feel like something is good for you than stick with it and the rewards will come in time. Yes, let's represent the "quiet ones." :)

    @Jessia: I agree that blogging is a great learning experience, as well as a place to recieve constructive criticism and build freindships. I agree entirely - I'd much prefer working on my own personal project than play by someone else's rules...maybe I'll someday find a way to make that happen and get paid for it.

    @HeavenSentMassage: Thanks! I appreciate your kind words.

    @Sandy: Thank you! Each of us has interests and backgrounds that we're passionate about and interesting in sharing, yet bloggers aren't held back by the same things as big businesses and more well-knownn individuals - I like to think bloggers are more honest and sincere.
