Icelandic Adventure

Remember last year when I used my tax refund to go Turkey? Well now that it is almost the end of another year, I have again started to think about how to spend my refund. I will actually be sticking to a destination from my original "Where Should I Go Next" list. Iceland!

I will be traveling with two of my closest friends this time instead of going solo. While traveling so far alone was certainly an adventure, I am looking forward to having company in my debauchery on this trip.

The trip will be at the end of March so that we are there during the prime viewing season of the Northern Lights. So far our trip will include:
  1. Whale Watching
  2. The Blue Lagoon
  3. Puffin Island
  4. Eating puffin (apparently it's like chicken there)
  5. Going to the Elf Museum
  6. Northern Lights
There are several more attractions being considered, but the above are definitely going to happen. Right now we are in our planning and discovery phase of the trip, so almost everything sounds awesome. We also watched the Bizarre Foods and No Reservations Iceland episodes to prepare. If anyone has any books, movies or music I should check out before the trip please let me know!


  1. That sounds amazing! I'm looking forward to reading all about it!

  2. eep! too exciting! I can't wait!

  3. who are you taking with you?! i wanna goooooo! :(

