Standing Still
One Less Option


We are giving one reader the chance to win this 90 inch wide lovely vinyl decoration, courtesy of Wiwicoco. This piece is normally sold for $48.95!
Wiwicoco has requested is that the winner help pay for shipping, which they have discounted to $7.50. (Shipping is normally 15+ dollars for these delicate pieces -they are shipped from China!- so this is a deal anyway you look at it). We would take it if it wasn't completely unethical for us to enter ;). If you win and can't afford the $7.50 shipping let us know, we will help you out!
Here's how to enter!
1. If you aren't following The Real Post Grad, follow us, and then leave us a comment telling us that you did. Also let us know where you'd use the decal!
2. If you're already a follower- that's awesome! We love you! Just leave us a comment letting us know what room you would spice up with this adorable decal!
One entry per person (open to U.S. Residents only this time). Winner will be chosen at random!
The giveaway ends on Wednesday, March 2st at 5pm EST. Check back here then to see if you've won and we'll put you in contact with Wiwicoco to claim your prize!
Staying Healthy
As a college student I was on my feet all the time. Anyone who has ever stepped foot onto SUNY Geneseo's campus knows that walking anywhere is fairly strenuous hike. Double that in the winter time when you are fighting against snow drifts and icy sidewalks.
My current job requires lots of mental work and typing, but I could literally not move the entire day. The first few months I worked here, I didn't adjust my diet at all. I would eat the same type of lunch/ snacks that I was eating during my last year in college. It's so easy to forget about weight during the summertime when your wardrobe consists of forgiving dresses and flowy skirts.
When September rolled around I slid on my favorite pair of jeans and realized I could barely button them. I just didn't understand. I wasn't eating things that were horrible for me.. I was even taking walks and jogging occasionally after work.. what was the deal?
The next week, I joined a gym and stopped buying bread.
Like most girls, I've always had those "problem areas". My hips, thighs, and bottom are where all of my weight collects. I am not necessarily unhealthy now weight-wise, my weight falls within the healthy parameters for my height- but before I started consistently working out, I just didn't feel great.
I like to tackle problems full force, doing everything possible to knock them out of the park. If I had no commitments, I would go to the gym for 8 hours a day, Biggest Loser style, and have the weight off in a week. Unfortunately I have one major commitment that prevents this from happening..... my job. Motivating myself to workout after work is one of the toughest things I've had to do. I so understand how people who work full time can fall into the couch potato mentality. My brain is just tired after working all day and I have to literally drag myself to the gym so that my body doesn't follow suit.
So how have my eating habits and workout schedule changed since the fateful jeans experience of September? I eat more vegetables and fruit, instead of packing processed snacks like granola bars in my lunches. I go to the gym four times a week, and have recently started circuit training in addition to my cardio. The circuit training has really started to show me results- I highly recommend it! It's not easy keeping up with this schedule, but I do feel like I'm becoming a healthier, post grad me.
All of this being said, every body is different. How do you stay fit when working a 9-5?
Rep. Jackie Speier, Who Revealed Her Abortion On House Floor, Is Our Hero
Why Blog? Chapter 1
Start a blog!
My blogging experience is one of the major reasons why I landed my current job. Not because the content aligned with the company I was applying for, but because it showed that I have a thirst for knowledge and a flair for creativity.
Blogs, great blogs anyway (more on that in Chapter 2), also show commitment and dedication to a subject. Whether that subject is birdwatching, photography, or classic cars, you take it upon yourself to seek out this information and write about it for the entire Internet world to read. If you can commit to a blog, potential employers will see that you have the ability to commit to their company
My last tip for this installment is to make sure the subject you choose is unique, or at least includes your own unique spin on a topic. I know writers out there who have blatantly stolen ideas from me before, but I've never really worried. Why? I knew their writing wouldn't be authentic. When you are blogging, your voice shows through. If you are trying to portray a voice or interests that really aren't your own, your readers will be able to tell.
Blogs are personal, so let your voice shine through and commit to writing about something you are actually passionate about. I'll see you next week for Chapter 2 of this series!
Insufficient Funds
- Interest on your debt
- Late fees
- Over Limit Fees
- Raising your interest rate if you are ever late or over the limit.
Post Grad and In a Relationship
I am not jaded when it comes to relationships. Aside from one or two complete jerks, my romantic life has consisted of a few guys that actually cared about me. I feel very lucky for this fact, but it was never an easy road to find someone I was compatible with. I don't date just for the fun of it, believe me, I've tried. If I don't want to be with a guy romantically 100%, then we are just friends. I've found (for me) that there is no use in dating and complicating things unless I really want to pursue a strong connection.
I am currently in a relationship that has lasted for almost one year, and it's definitely my most mature relationship so far. We started dating when I was still in college. He had just graduated and was working a job that made it so easy for us to spend time together... then I graduated and got a job.
All of a sudden, those random weekday visits were non existent. He was working nights and weekends, I was working days. I kept telling myself that things would change soon and become easier. But due to a long change of career plans, they haven't, and now he is preparing to leave for a two month long internship opportunity.
Do you want to know honestly what my first thoughts were about this change of plans? I thought first about myself. I thought, "he is going to miss our one year anniversary, my birthday, my moving day!!" In my mind, I was furious. I moved to Rochester partly because I wanted to further my relationship with him, and here he was leaving me. After months of being in a relationship with schedules that only overlap once in a while, and hoping that things would get better soon, he is now going to leave for months, and is showing no remorse at all.
After brooding for a while, I stepped back a little bit and thought about things. The situation he put himself in wasn't about me at all, yet most of my concerns began with the word "my" or "me". It was about him, and furthering his career goals. This is the time in our lives when we need to do things like this for ourselves...before we have family and children and mortgages. Instead of being bitter about the "me" related things we'll miss, I just have to keep moving ahead.
I've come to the conclusion that my relationship is not going to become simpler. In the post grad world, relationships just aren't easy. Much like friendships, they require consistent mutual effort and support, or else they crumble.
My boyfriend and I are still trying. We have a lot of fun together, and genuinely enjoy being with each other. The thought of ending things over a career tears me up inside. Although we've hit a few bumps along the way, I know we'll continue to try and make things work.
I'm tired of sugarcoating things on this website about my fantasy post grad love life. I'm sick of giving bulleted lists of relationship advice. Our blog is called The Real Post Grad after all.
I've only got one tip for you in this post. If you value your post grad relationship, but things aren't easy, sometimes you just have to suck it up. Keep moving forward, keep being there for each other as much as possible, and keep looking towards the future. In one way or another, things will work themselves out.
So readers, welcome to my real post grad relationship.
Post Grad and Single

Have you ever seen a shadow and automatically thought that it was of something scary? Your mind is convinced that there is a murderer outside your window. It’s hovering right out of your sight. You can see that it’s holding something sharp. And then there is a noise. In any other situation you would think nothing of the completely natural sound outside, but because your mind is already in a place of fear it associates the scraping with the imaginary murderer that is plotting a way to get in and harm you. Your heart is beating faster. Your blood pressure rises. All your senses are on high alert.
You walk outside with a flashlight and a bat yelling at the shadow that it better run away or you’re going to hurt it. Then you see the tree branch that has always been there. You were just seeing it from a different point of view.
The same principle can apply to a relationship.
Think about it. When you are in a relationship you see it in one way, usually positively or you wouldn’t be in it. And then when it’s over and you look back on it, you realize it wasn’t how you thought it was at all. The shadow you were seeing was just that, a shadow. You were seeing your mind’s interpretation of the real thing.
(Note: I had every intention of making the comparison to that of The Cave in Plato's Republic but decided I would spare you all my love of philosophy.)
Having said that, I am a Post Grad and single. While I am not adamantly against dating, I also would like to keep the shadows out of my now drama-less life.
My opinion of romantic entanglements is jaded to say the least. I expect the worst in men because I've seen the worst. I will give a new guy a chance, but only until I'm bored or find a fatal flaw in his personality that I deem a deal breaker.
Doesn't like sports; deal breaker.
Pretentious; deal breaker.
Can't hold down a job; deal breaker.
Doesn't have his own place; deal breaker.
Some people tell me that I'm just looking for an excuse to stop seeing someone. This may be true. But if I'm not feeling it, I'm not putting in more effort.
This principle makes it necessary to meet new men in order to have any chance of finding someone I actually like. This would be easy enough, however work always prevents me from making happy hour. And alcohol itself makes those shadows I'm avoiding more prominent. Both things complicate my quest even further.
And so goes the tale of my life being a Post Grad and single.
Ice Cream Stereotypes
Workout Songs
Top 5 Guilty Pleasure Songs
- Ke$ha - Tik Tok. She had a water bottle full of whisky in her handbag. Remind you of freshman year in college much?
- LMFAO - Shots. Patron's on the rocks. 'Nuff said.
- Taylor Swift - Love Story. It gets me every time. So catchy I can't help but sing along.
- 3OH!3 - Don't Trust Me. So clever. "You tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef, that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't F*^#$%^ scared of him."
- Metro Station - Shake It. Totally had this song as my text tone for about a year.
Guest Post by Lauren of Lauren's Thoughts

In this economy, being a post grad is tougher than ever. So when I tell you I not only got a job right before graduation, then quit a month later, you might think I'm crazy, brave, or even stupid. But I truly believe in that quote from the movie "What Happens in Vegas": "I'd rather do nothing and be happy than do something I know I don't love."
So when I realized that I was not happy, I had to weigh my options. Yes, I had a job and was lucky to say so being a recent college grad. Yes, it paid well and I liked doing some of it. I realized this wasn't the job I wanted or the work I really wanted to do.
So I played it back and forth and finally decided to quit. I was still in the probationary period and I felt like I didn't want to waste my time anymore or my boss's for that matter. I admit, I may not have handled it that well and she wasn't too happy that I simply quit, but now I feel so relieved that it is over. I don't want to get too personal in this post, so I left out details on things that happened, where I worked, and even what type of job. But I think the real point to this is that everything works out for a reason. You'll get the job you need at the time you need it and it may even bring you to something else. You'll know when to let go of something, even if other people think you're crazy. Your heart guides you to the right choices, especially when it comes to your fabulous career.
So you might be wondering what I'm doing now. I'm not totally unemployed and bored. I have some jobs coming up for previous internship bosses where I'll be able to have some cash. I have an internship that I absolutely love writing and formatting articles for a womens online magazine and working on the SEO (search engine optimization) implementation. I may not have much money now, but I am much happier. That first job taught me to trust my instincts, do what makes you happy, how to handle things better in the future, and that sometimes you just can't please everyone and they may not even give you a real chance.
I wish you all the best of luck in finding a job you love! If you find you get the job and hate it, don't feel bad about quitting and starting over. Something will come to you when you least expect it. For more advice, tips, and more from me, check out my blog, Lauren's Thoughts.
SuperBowl Sunday
It's that time again. One of the biggest sports holidays of the year. People gather in bars and living rooms with beer and pizza and scream at the athletes on television to do better than they are currently doing. Men get aggravated at the women in the room because they tend to talk and ask questions during crucial parts of the game. Women get aggravated at men because they tend to splash beer all over the place in their excitement.
The Truth About Post Grad Friendships
Then, you all graduate and you promise to stay in touch and visit and chat everyday, but much like high school graduation, this doesn't always happen. When major life changes occur it seems like true friends rise up to the challenge, while other friendships fade.
Sometimes, I feel like I experienced my friendships in a backwards sense. I actually stayed in touch with most of my close high school friends after graduation and through college, which is pretty uncommon. We all see each other every break we can, and I can honestly say that even after months of not seeing these guys, when we're together it's like nothing has changed. I can see myself maintaining friendships with everyone for years to come.
I thought I would be this way with my college friends as well, except I assumed I would come away with a much larger friend base. With some of my close college friends, it is like this. Some of us talk regularly and plan visits and are genuinely interested in each others lives.
Lately though, I've been feeling myself grow away from college friends that sort of lingered on the perimeter of close friend territory. If I were still in school, I would reach out to them. I would be the one offering to literally drive to their door to pick them up to hang out or try to find a time that we could meet for dinner. I would be the one making the effort.
After visiting my college a few weekends ago I had a revelation: I am so done with that! Done with people who consider themselves to be true "friends", when they feel no guilt about walking all over me and are only vaguely interested in what I have to say-even less so when I'm not around them. With so many things swirling around my post grad brain, I need to focus on people that care about me as much as I care about them.
In the post grad world, friendships require mutual effort. My plan for now is to keep myself open, but stop putting in the effort to revive friendships with those who wouldn't put forth the same effort for me. Like so many other aspects of my life right now, I guess we'll just see how it goes.