Hey readers, today we bring to you a guest post from Lauren over at Lauren's Thoughts. Her website is a great read- we highly suggest you check it out! Lauren recently left her job, and we asked her to share some insight into what helped her make this tough decision that many post grads agonize over.
In this economy, being a post grad is tougher than ever. So when I tell you I not only got a job right before graduation, then quit a month later, you might think I'm crazy, brave, or even stupid. But I truly believe in that quote from the movie "What Happens in Vegas": "I'd rather do nothing and be happy than do something I know I don't love."
So when I realized that I was not happy, I had to weigh my options. Yes, I had a job and was lucky to say so being a recent college grad. Yes, it paid well and I liked doing some of it. I realized this wasn't the job I wanted or the work I really wanted to do.
So I played it back and forth and finally decided to quit. I was still in the probationary period and I felt like I didn't want to waste my time anymore or my boss's for that matter. I admit, I may not have handled it that well and she wasn't too happy that I simply quit, but now I feel so relieved that it is over. I don't want to get too personal in this post, so I left out details on things that happened, where I worked, and even what type of job. But I think the real point to this is that everything works out for a reason. You'll get the job you need at the time you need it and it may even bring you to something else. You'll know when to let go of something, even if other people think you're crazy. Your heart guides you to the right choices, especially when it comes to your fabulous career.
So you might be wondering what I'm doing now. I'm not totally unemployed and bored. I have some jobs coming up for previous internship bosses where I'll be able to have some cash. I have an internship that I absolutely love writing and formatting articles for a womens online magazine and working on the SEO (search engine optimization) implementation. I may not have much money now, but I am much happier. That first job taught me to trust my instincts, do what makes you happy, how to handle things better in the future, and that sometimes you just can't please everyone and they may not even give you a real chance.
I wish you all the best of luck in finding a job you love! If you find you get the job and hate it, don't feel bad about quitting and starting over. Something will come to you when you least expect it. For more advice, tips, and more from me, check out my blog, Lauren's Thoughts.
Thank you guys for letting me do a guest post! Love your blog and I hope you continue to grow. :)