Too Young
Take this whole car buying process as an example. I did tons of research before purchasing this vehicle, test drove four different cars, researched dealerships, interest rates, insurance costs, and saved up for a down payment. Is this something a 16 year old could handle? Probably not. (Well, not me at least at 16.) Yet, I still felt so unsure about the purchase, like I should be in my late 20's making this decision, instead of 23.
I'm proud of how far I've come in just a year since graduating, but I'm wondering when the confused teenager inside of me will fizzle out. Does you ever feel this way? How do you cope?
Sorry for this slightly depressing post. I'm headed to Lake Ontario tonight to watch the sunset so I'll have some fun pictures tomorrow to share with you all.
Giant Chicken
Challenge Us
Allison and I have decided the guidelines for our Benrik Challenge:
- Takes place between July 1st and September 30th.
- Need to complete 75 tasks between the 2 of us
- We must post weekly to update you on our progress
- Tasks are picked at random
- No repeating a task
- No cheating
Junk In My Trunk
An Epic Graduation
The Benrik Challenge
Happy First Day of Summer!
The Weekend In Photos!
This weekend one of my best friends from college came to visit! We had a marathon two days that involved tea parties, the zoo, lots of frozen chai, margaritas, glowsticks, and cupcake baking. The above photo was taken at this adorable tearoom/ restaurant here in Rochester called La-Tea-Da. I definitely recommend it if you're in the area! Jess was very excited to try on one of the "dress up" hats at the restaurant..
Daddy's Little Girl
- Respect myself. And if a man ever doesn't, just kick him in the nads. (exact words to 7 year old me)
- To fish. Looking at me you'd never know that I can successfully catch a trout, gut it, skin it, and cook it. All thanks to Dad.
- Wear sunscreen. Always. My dad passed away from melanoma, I'd like to prevent that with my skin.
- Take a chance. My Gramma always tells me I'm just like my Dad in this way. He taught me well. You will never get anywhere good in life without taking a chance.
- How to BBQ. I can use a charcoal grill or propane grill. Keep the fire under control, and make some great meat.
The Midas Touch?
Lightning Never Strikes Twice
A quick way to save 20 bucks
Post Grad Profile: Sarah

Where did you attend college
I studied at The University of Leeds in the UK. As part of my degree I was also required to spend a year studying abroad. I could choose to study at a number of institutions in America, Canada and Europe and I chose to spend my year at The University of North Texas.
What did you study?
I studied Music and specialised in vocal performance.
What did you want to do going in?
When I first started University I wanted to become a professional singer. I dreamed about going down to London and making it big in the West End. I couldn’t wait to finish studying and begin performing in all the musicals I’d cherished since childhood.
What are you actually doing with your life?
It’s crazy to think that, in four years, I’ve changed so much. I still have a passion for performing - I don’t think that will ever leave me – and my obsession with musical theatre still reigns supreme. But, I had an epiphany while I was studying abroad at UNT. I took some classes in musicianship for teaching and music psychology and I realised that I could do so much more with my life than simply share my art with others. I could help people. I started learning about children with disabilities and how music can help them in ways that other therapies cannot. I became passionate about helping children and young people with disabilities. Ideas for future projects began streaming into my head. I wanted to change the world and I couldn’t wait to get started. When I got back to the UK I decided that I would finish my degree, start volunteering and read countless books about people who have done something truly remarkable with their lives. I have just finished my final year at University and I am pleased to say that I am about to graduate with First Class Honours (the highest student accolade you can be awarded at a University in the UK). My undergraduate dissertation (a 12,000 word thesis on what constitutes music education and music therapy) won the highest mark in my entire year group. I volunteer for three amazing organisations that work with children and young people and I’m just starting to look for my first job in my newly chosen career path. In short, I’m doing pretty well and I am SO excited to graduate and start the next stage in my life.
In a perfect world, what would your post grad life be like?
I’ll be my own boss. I’ll run a business, ideally a not-for-profit, which runs creativity sessions for children and young people with disabilities. I’ll be an expert in my field. I’ll write for journals and other publications. I’ll challenge the status-quo. I’ll enable people to realise that these children don’t so much have a disability, rather just a different set of abilities to ‘normal’ people. I’ll encourage people to stop putting limitations on children whose futures could be just as bright as ours if we let them be. I’ll work alongside schools and other incredible institutions. I’ll love what I do. I’ll make a difference, even if it’s just a tiny one. I’ll travel. I’ll find out what having a disability is like for children and young people in other countries and other cultures. I’ll meet people. I’ll see things from a different perspective. I’ll write about it.
What is the biggest lesson you have learned as a post grad?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that you really can do anything you set your mind to. If you have the passion, the drive and the determination to achieve something, you will. I’ve also learnt that you can’t let fear get in the way of your dreams. We’re all scared of failure but often failure leads to our most successful endeavours. Use fear as a catalyst for making change happen. If you’re scared of something, channel that fear into a positive action. Do something about it. You’ll soon realise that you actually had nothing to be sacred of.
What is still to come for you in post grad?
I’d like to think that my future is unlimited. I want to achieve so much but have the very realistic view that you have to work hard to get to where you want to be. I’m sure I’ll make a few mistakes along the way but I know that I’ll try my utmost to learn from them. I want to make a difference in the world, even if it’s just a small one, and I know that wanting that result badly enough is the first step on the road to achieving it.
Day Trips: Winery

Making the Best of It
Want to know why Rochester gets a ton of snow? It's because we are located next to a huge lake that is absolutely beautiful during the spring/summer/fall. A lake so huge that when you sit on the beach it's like you're looking out onto the ocean.
If you haven't noticed by now, I quite like reading. I do it often. And the books seem to go by quickly. Unlike movies, tv shows and music, though, finding a new good book to read is not as mainstream. There is no commercial that pops up on Hulu telling you about a good book. The radio does not bring authors onto the show to discuss a new book. It is sad, but our society is not book-centric.
Tonight I'm about to embark on a very post grad experience: playing in a nighttime summer kickball league. I'm hoping the games will be more laid back than competitive.. seeing as this is kickball and all, but we'll see! I'll update you all on what adult "after-work sports" are like either tonight or tomorrow!
P.S. I also haven't played kickball since middle school....and I wasn't very good then.... is that bad?? If you got the snl reference there (lawrence welk show), you get ten points.
Sock Bun!
I Review First Round Resumes

My #1 Job Hunting Tip
Make verbal contact.
My Typical Day Preview
They were installing new garage doors directly under my office which meant lots of loud drilling and hammering...all day... I also drove five hours on Monday, leaving behind a relaxing weekend at home and was welcomed by an overheated apartment, and internet that wasn't working.
Normally I would have some sort of tip on how to turn the day around, but since I'm currently updating this from the inside of my car in a Panera parking lot (due to my lack of internet), I've really got nothing.
Sometimes days are just annoying, but thankfully, there's always a new one right around the corner.
Maybe I'll leave this one up to you... how do you all turn your bad days around?