If you haven't noticed by now, I quite like reading. I do it often. And the books seem to go by quickly. Unlike movies, tv shows and music, though, finding a new good book to read is not as mainstream. There is no commercial that pops up on Hulu telling you about a good book. The radio does not bring authors onto the show to discuss a new book. It is sad, but our society is not book-centric.
But alas! I have found Goodreads. Good reads is like a cross between facebook and an online book club, and it is amazing. I will admit that it is most enjoyable, and helpful, when your friends are using it too. You can see what books your friends are reading, what they plan to rad, what they thought of books they have finished and so much more. There are also groups and forums to join so that you can discuss your favorite reads with other people as well as your friends.
This month's GoodReads Book Challenge is to read "A Visit from the Goon Squad" by Jenifer Egan. Sadly I have not joined this challenge yet, but that is only because of the unfortunate condition of my bank account. Every month there is a different challenge and GoodReads offers polls, discussion and a live chat with the author upon completion.
There are a lot more features to this site that I have not mastered yet, but I encourage you all to check it out. And if you do, friend me so we can share our Good Reads!
i love goodreads! =D