The Weekend In Photos!

This weekend one of my best friends from college came to visit! We had a marathon two days that involved tea parties, the zoo, lots of frozen chai, margaritas, glowsticks, and cupcake baking. The above photo was taken at this adorable tearoom/ restaurant here in Rochester called La-Tea-Da. I definitely recommend it if you're in the area! Jess was very excited to try on one of the "dress up" hats at the restaurant..

The inside of La Tea Da!

Here are a few photos from our zoo trip!
Me squinting into the sunlight, hanging with the penguins ;)

Wanted to take him home.

This guy came right up to the glass and stared at us!

All in all, it was a great weekend in Rochester!


  1. I love La Tea Da! I want to sit and have tea and crumpets too! It certainly sounds like you and Jess covered a lot of Rochester while she was there visiting. Glad you both were able to have a chance to catch up. (:
