It's Really Over

By Shikole Struber

I'm beginning to realize that graduating is a lot like a break up. At first it doesn't sink in that you're done. It's just summer, like any other summer. You've been apart for many summers before this one. But then you get your diploma in the mail, and it's like college is giving you back all your stuff. It's really exciting to see what was sent to you, after you waited for so long to receive it, but then you remember all the good times you had and almost want to give it back.

Then there's the rebound. You need it quickly to take you mind off of things and get on with your life. It's the complete opposite of everything you had previously. You aren't sure how it happened and you don't know how long it's going to last. The first job after grad, whether it be at a retail store, or a desk, or on the hill, is still a rebound job. You just got out of a 4 year (at least) relationship and now you need a replacement.

And through all of this you miss it. Break ups are hard. This one is no exception. And it's time you realize that it's really over. But keep your chin up, your next big life adventure is just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I just graduated this year, and I have definitely been going through all the stages of grief. It's nice to know that other people are going through it too, and to see what you two are doing to cope!
