One Step Behind


It's been tough getting back into the swing of things after spending a week at home for the holidays. I feel like I'm not managing my time well, and my life as a whole just feels a bit unorganized. I'm trying to make some positive changes in my life. I recently took on another piano student, and I just started my first book of 2012, The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. I'm also trying to keep up a normal workout schedule and eat right to keep up with my 2012 resolution.

Even with all of these positive things, I still feel behind when it comes to daily activities. Every time I leave the house with hair that's still damp from the shower, I think about how I need to start waking up earlier. Every time I throw on a boring but safe combination of work clothes I think about how I should lay them out the night before. Every time I load groceries into my car and notice all of the random crap in my backseat, I think about how I'll vacuum and clean it out in the next few days. All of these things are such simple tasks, but I
can never bring myself to do them when the time comes. They never happen.

One blog that has been helping me shake this winter slump is called Smart Pretty and Awkward. It's geared towards women and I love reading the short advice in each daily post. The advice isn't preachy at all, just simple tips from the author on self improvement.

Do you ever have days (or weeks.. or months...) where you just feel a step behind everyone else? How do you get out of the funk?

1 comment:

  1. I love that book! And give yourself a break, we can't be perfect with everything :)

