Friday Friday FRIDAY

Friday has always been my favorite day of the week. Even though it involves work during the day (or previously work and school during my college and high school years), there is just so much anticipation and excitement throughout the day. I am so productive on Fridays because I know there is a break in sight. It's kind of like Christmas Eve. All of the excitement of Christmas Day, but you still get to look forward to it.

Fridays are even more important in my post grad life. I am thankful for my job, but I have to admit, it uses up a lot of my brain power. Fridays are the light at the end of the tunnel. In college, there are of course Friday and Saturday party nights, but there are also Thirsty Thursdays, Wasted get the idea. Pretty much, if you were devoted enough to have a nightlife, you could go out any night of the week and still reasonably function the next day.

In work life there are Friday nights, and Saturday nights. More power to the people that can still go out during the week and function at a 9-5 position. I just can't. Tonight as I sip on a margarita and indugle in Mexican food, I will rejoice knowing that tomorrow I can sleep in past 7:00 am.

Happy Friday post grads! What's your favorite weekend day, and why?


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