We're big fans of reflection here on TRPG, and I'm also a huge fan of planning things. When I heard that there was a way I could actually plan reflection a year in advance, well.. I just had to share it with you guys.
FutureMe.org allows anyone with an email address to write an email that will be delivered in the future. Isn't that crazy? You can choose whatever date you'd like to have the email delivered, but I chose the one exactly one year from the date I wrote the email. You use the form on their website to write whatever you want to yourself, send it out into cyberspace, forget about it, and then get a little email in your inbox reminding you what life was like exactly one year ago to the day. The internet sure is magical.
I wrote my letter back in October. My family was going through some tough times and I just needed a space where I could vent everything that I was feeling. So I wrote to myself. I can't remember everything I wrote in the letter, but I'm excited to receive it in October and think about how much my life has changed for the better. It's already changed so much in just the past few months!
I know the idea of writing letters to yourself sounds a little cheesy. In fact, when I first heard about FutureMe I immediately thought about The Office episode where Micheal records happy and sad videos of himself before he finds out if Holly is engaged so he can deal with his overwhelming happiness or heartbreak.
Cheesy-ness aside, I think this is an amazing tool for self reflection, and I would suggest that anyone, post grad or not, give it a whirl! I'm not sure if we have any college readers here, but I especially wish I knew about this website my senior year college so I could write a letter to my post grad self. All you need is an email address and a little time to reflect!
i need to do this!! :)