A few weeks ago I wrote about amping up your cover letter to score an interview, but what happens when you land one? Here are a few post grad interview tips!
Dress appropriately- I know you're thinking, no duh, of course I'm not going to where ripped jeans and a tank top. But by appropriately I mean, dress for the job you are applying for. If you're interviewing at a graphic design or production company, you should still be modest, but you might want to include a bit of an artsy flair to your outfit.Someone applying for a job in a more traditional corporate environment would want to stick to a basic suit set.
Think about your five year plan ahead of time- "Where do you see yourself in five years?" Here's a hint, the answer should not be "as a professional singer in NYC" or "a stay at home mom". You don't want to give the impression that this job is just to hold you over a few months until you move or find something better. Companies value loyal employees and will often be wary of recent grads that are unsure of what they want.
Always ask questions-Think of questions ahead of time, and when all else fails, ask the interviewer how they got their start at the company. Never say that you have no questions at the end of an interview. Ever! To me, it gives the impression that you're uninterested in the company itself.
Do your research- Learn about the company! I guarantee that your interviewer will ask the question "why us?" Be prepared with an answer!
Follow Up- Send an email or place a phone call within 24 hours of the interview thanking your interviewer for their time. A little bit of politeness goes a long way.
What are your interview tips?
Great advice! I will be sharing this on my blog soon!