Calling Out Sick

This is a touchy subject in most offices. On one hand, employers don't want their employees coming in sick and infecting an entire office. On the other hand, it seems like there is unspoken judgement whenever someone calls out. Are they really sick, or do they just have a mild headache that an ibuprofen would cure? Here are a few ways to ensure that you don't get any raised eyebrows around your office. Feel free to leave your other ideas with the comments!

1. If you know you'll want a day off, just schedule it. Don't fake sick to extend your weekend. Most of us are not amazing actors, and after your third "cough, cough.. I'm sick.." phone call on a Friday morning, your employers are going to know.

2. If you are actually sick, make sure to call the appropriate people. Call your supervisor, office manager, whoever schedules payroll at your office, and let them now. Briefly explain why you aren't feeling well (no need to include a puking count or description here..) and say that you'll be sorry to miss work.

3. Catch up on work upon your return in a timely fashion.

4. Don't take "mental health days" unless they really are for your mental health. Example 1: a close relative or friend passes away or you actually need to see a psychologist for an emotional issue = mental health day.  Example 2: You and your boyfriend are taking a break for the fifth time, you need a new manicure, and you want to catch up on laundry = not mental health day worthy.

This isn't to say that you're never allowed to take a day off for "me time", just schedule it in advance so everyone can prepare for your absence!


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