"Are you by any chance still near your house?"
Why yes I am Mr. Boss Man, I was running late today and am right next to my house. He then asked me to sit tight for 10 minutes until he called back. So, post grads, I had an unexpected 10 minutes to sit on my couch and do whatever I please.
This time has been a little confusing for my brain this early and without coffee. First I was running late and rushing, now I'm relaxing on my couch writing to you all. It also surprised me what my first instincts to do were.
- Check NYtimes.com to catch up on what is happening outside my office
- Look for a job with Google because I can't afford to buy lunch and they provide it free
- Write this post
What would you do with 10 random minutes to yourself?
And now my company BlackBerry is ringing and I have to go back to the real world. My couch was great while it lasted!
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