Did I Mention It's Snowing?

When people told me it snows a lot in Rochester, I honestly didn't think I would notice that much of a change from my hometown (also in upstate NY), or my college town (only 30 minutes away from Rochester). I now understand what it means to live close to Lake Ontario. It means snow, every day. Not blizzard conditions by any means, but just constant, steady, snow.

The photos above were taken from my bedroom window this morning... welcome to winter!

UPDATE: 4:34 pm Today I got myself out of my "I hate snow" funk and went for a walk around my neighborhood in a snow storm. I bundled up with my coat, hat, scarf, mittens, and snow boots and set out armed with my camera. Right now I'm operating without any photo editing software so please don't mind the poor quality of these photos. Here are a few more from my walk today.

This planetarium is pretty much behind my apartment in Rochester!

While I may be just a tad stressed out about my Dodge Neon slipping and sliding to work during these snowy days, I love that this Sunday I could just go for a walk to a local coffee shop and relax, when this time of the year was always so hectic as a college student. No finals, presentations, or evaluations for us, post grads! Just the holiday season to embrace!


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