By Allison Sass
Today is my second day of my healthy/non processed food challenge and I've been good about sticking to the plan. I've cut off caffeine completely and replaced it by upping my daily exercise routine (who knew that exercising more could give you energy?). We will see how I'm feeling in the next few workdays as I'm sitting at my desk...
I've also been eating loads of green vegetables and eating fresh fruit when I crave something sweet - the diet only calls for one piece of fresh fruit a day but hey, baby steps people. Did I mention that I had brown rice for breakfast this morning? yum...
As a post grad with a busy schedule, I'm always looking for grab and go lunch options. I have to say that preparing my food challenge lunches has taken me a much longer time than usual. To try and combat this, I prepared my lunches for the next three days on Sunday, when I wasn't exhausted after a long day in the office.
To sum it all up, I am surviving the food challenge so far. Stay tuned!
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