In case you weren't already regretting the degree you just received because it seems to be useless in this economy, here is a handy dandy pyramid to make you regret it more!
7 of the top jobs are in IT. Which would rock for me if I actually did something IT related where I work. Healthcare is another category overly represented on the chart. If you plan on going for your masters any time soon, I would recommend getting it in one of these fields.
I wouldn't say I regret the degree I got (political science), but I wish I did have a technical skill or a broader understanding of related fields I've dabbled in, like economics. Although, this is probably because I'm a nerd and just love learning.
ReplyDeleteI've spent a decent amount of time this summer daydreaming about my post-grad life if I didn't get a commission through Air Force ROTC while friends have been fretting about jobs or applying to grad school like it was their job.
I'd like to think if I didn't join ROTC, I would have laid the groundwork for a post grad job a year or two ago. My employed friends did this through interning/co-oping at Defense Department or the Wall Street banks that subsequently hired them on...but even that's a long shot. And in reference to one of your blog's about the job search; I would like to think if I was competing in the job market I would get hired because I would be much more aggressive than my complacent classmates simply sending things in on-line. I read an article recently about a job candidate who, tired of getting numerous rejection cover letters, changed up his CV to be a bit more profanity laden and unorthodox, and actually starting getting called for interviews.
I'm happy with my major and education. Fortunately, being a military officer only requires a bachelor's degree and they don't care what it's in. An '08 American University grad that's in the Air Force now as a navigator/combat systems officer, well she was an art history major and her major is going to be inconsequential to future earnings/career as her military/work experience is going to help land her great job opportunities.
As for the IT field...a girl I was dating last semester, OK, woman, she is 33 and worked in IT. After graduating summa cum laude with a B.S. in psychology, she found that IT jobs paid more entry level and then got stuck doing that. I felt bad for her really, because she wasn't in IT because it was her passion, it just paid well and work was work for the money, not because it was a labor of love.
I have just completed my 1st year of physician assistant school and will be beginning my second year which is clinicals, if anybody is interested in PA school they should be warned, try jamming 4 years of med school into 2.... not easy, it is very stressful!!! while once you graduate life may be considered "easy" (by which i mean good pay, no problem finding a job, ability to change from one field in medicine to another with no residency) the 2 years you are in school will be hell. but over and over again PA's are listed in the "field you need to/wish you were doing lists" without taking into account the 2 years of hell. I do not regret my decision but be warned it is NOT for the faint of heart!