I write you this post from my comfy bed as I snack on a bowl of frozen blueberries with The Shins blaring from my laptop. Tonight, I'm having "me time", and my intense state of relaxation has prompted me to write a post about how easy it is to recharge your batteries after a busy weekend or a long day at work.
Since starting my 9-5 job, I feel like I've been moving non-stop. It's hard to fit everything you want to do into the 5:30-11:00 ish time slot. That's why nights like these are so important. Without having a chance to relax, my exhaustion could have spiraled into the stressful work week cycle that many new workers get trapped in.
Here are a few things to do to relax and enjoy your own "me time"
- Read a book- Listen to music- Clean (it can be therapeutic, I promise!)- Scrapbook- Watch some T.V.- Start a journal- Start (or update) a blog ;)- Call a loved one- Meditate- Do laundry- Map out your schedule for the coming week- Enjoy your favorite snack- Sit outside and enjoy the night air- Take a bubble bath or a long shower-Enjoy a glass of wine
Amazing post. I have bookmarked your site. I am looking forward to reading more