Most camp sites only charge $20-35 a night for a tent. Split that between 6 friends and that's a really cheap stay. Now you will need other supplies for camping like flashlights and bug spray and food and alcohol of course. However, you would be spending money on food and alcohol whether you were home or camping. And camp side food tends to also be cheap when split 6 ways. Get some hot dogs, potato salad, chips, bagels, marshmallows.
Don't look down on camping either. It might not be glamorous but it might be exactly what you need. You'll be OUTSIDE instead of in an office. Imagine that, fresh air! It's also a great bonding experience with whoever you go with. Last time I went camping it should've been recorded. Me and one other female friend, who had never before set up a tent, embarked on the journey. It was too windy to light a fire to cook our food. And we didn't find the bathrooms until the last few hours of the trip. So we cooked hot dogs by wrapping them in tin foil and putting hookah coals on top. And got a lot of bug bites on our asses from peeing in the bushes. The same bushes the bathrooms were hidden behind.
Moral of the story is that you CAN afford a short vacation. Round up some friends and some bug spray and pitch that tent!
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