It's that time of year. When everyone is heading back to school. The sad part is that we will not be joining in all the fun this year.
All my undergrad friends are coming back into town and television is filled with nothing but back to school commercials. At first I get excited thinking it's time to embark on another new semester. Then reality kicks in and I realize that graduation meant that I have to sit this one out.
The thing I miss most is an excuse to buy some new clothes/supplies. I LOVE going to Office Depot and seeing all the cool new gadgets that seem to have been made specifically for me to go back to class. But alas, I cannot buy that neon green 5 subject notebook with built-in folder dividers this year. Well, I could, but I'd have no use for it.
There's also that first day of class when it's still full of potential. I might learn something interesting, or meet a really cool professor, or figure out what I want to do with my life. I'm a dork, I know, I've accepted that.
What do you miss most about going back to class?
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