By Allison Sass
There are countless websites dedicated to job posting out there today. My advice? Use them only as a reference for what jobs are available. In today's economy, recent grads are going up against professionals that have been in the working world for years. To put it bluntly, emailing a resume with your internship information, GPA, and extra curricular activities will likely get you nowhere.
In order to get noticed by a company you wish to work for, you have to stand out. Write a killer cover letter, pick up the telephone, or better yet, go into the office and meet with someone face to face. Even if you only get as far as the receptionist, your resume will be at the top of the pile of applicants (ask the receptionist to make a note that you stopped in).
Take my advice, it may take some time and a few disappointments, but pounding the pavement and putting yourself out there will eventually work- I'm living proof :).
Yeah Allie! Living proof! Love this blog, awesome idea!