Guess What

This weekend Shikole and I will be meeting up in Pennsylvania! Since we both started working full time, we haven't been able to see each other at all due to our limited time off and the lack of college breaks. Since D.C. is 7ish hours from Rochester, we wanted to make things easier on each other and decided that we would meet in the middle! (Just like the Diamond Rio song, "I'd start walking your way and you'd start walking mine, we'd meet in the middle....") Okay.. no one else's parents made them listen to country music when they were little? Moving on...

After some intense google mapping we settled on Lewisburg, P.A. ,which is apparently right near Bucknell University and exactly 3.5 hours from both of our homes (to the minute).

We're hoping to spend our weekend relaxing and walking around the presumably cute college town, maybe window shopping a little, doing some blog networking, having a few drinks in the evening, and just getting away from our normal lives for two days.

Since we will be in the same place, we are going to take lots of pictures, and maybe even some video for you guys to see! I know I'm always so curious to see what bloggers sound like in real life, plus I have this flip video camera that I barely use.. so... we're making one!

I know that it's only Tuesday and we have a few more days before this little trip, but we are both overly excited and in need of a break from our respective cities. Do you guys look forward to weekend getaways as much as we do? Let us know in the comments. :)


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