Spotlight on Gloria Steinem

By Shikole Struber

I had the amazing opportunity to hear Gloria Steinem speak Tuesday night at my alma mater, American University. If anyone can be an inspiration to post grads, it is her.

A brief History:

Steinem graduated from Smith College in 1956. She co-founded Ms. Magazine in 1972. SInce then she has written several books including "Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions" and "Moving Beyond Words." She has founded several organizations including the Women's Action Alliance and Choice USA. More can be discovered about her through her website.  

Steinem is a self-proclaimed "hope-aholic." She also has the most organic and eloquent view on change I have ever heard. Sadly I don't think I can express her belief quite like she did the other night, but she compared change to a butterfly and the types of cells it has in the process of morphing from a caterpillar. Her energy and passion are amazing and I can only hope that I accomplish a quarter as much as she has in my post grad life.

1 comment:

  1. All I know about Gloria Steinem is her article she wrote about a world where men menstruated.

    Yeah, I'm a "three pad man."
